
From hoteliga
Revision as of 13:49, 6 October 2020 by Sandro (talk | contribs) (Folio)
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With templates you can adjust and personalize the view of the following:

  • e-mails about reservations (confirmation e-mail, instructions on how to get to the property, "thank you" e-mail etc.)
  • Invoices (including receipts, payment receipts, credit invoices)
  • Registration card (including similar forms, such as the ones for police authorities)
  • Folio
  • ...

Accessing Templates

Accessing templates can be done through:

Options⇒ Settings⇒ Templates

Tem list en.png

In this list, there are some templates already registered by the system. The type of the template is displayed in the 3rd column ("Type").

New template: Is used for creating a new template.

Show filter: Is used for searching templates in the list, using the available filters.

Creating a New Template

A new template can be created by following these steps:

Options⇒ Settings⇒ Templates⇒ New template

Tem new en.png

1. Title: The name of the template should be inserted in this field.

2. Template type : It defines what kind of template will be created. Further details are included in the table below.

3. Language: The correct selection of the language ensures that the recipient of the template (invoice, email etc) will understand the content.

4. Subject: It is valid only in case that a template is used for emails, e.g. "thank you for your stay" etc.

5. Content: This is the main part of the template. Formatting is possible using the standard formatting buttons like included in Microsoft Word. If the view is limited, the button "full screen" shows a larger view.

6. Ok: To save the registration.

Template Types
Reservation It is related to a reservation and it is used for emails e.g. confirmation of the reservation,"thank you" e-mail,

instructions how to come to the hotel etc.

Invoice This is a standard layout with fields that should include specific information for invoicing, e.g. the counter,customer's billing

information, various taxes applied etc.

Receipt This is a similar concept to invoice but used only in Greece. It does not apply to other countries.
Payment receipt This is a similar concept to invoice but used only in Greece. It does not apply to other countries.
Reservation request This is related to the e-mail that is automatically generated by the booking engine. It is called "request" because the reservations coming from the

booking engine have to be confirmed by the hotelier or the property manager first.

Registration card This is a kind of form given to the customer to sign and accept the terms of the property e.g. any damage takes place, the customer

is liable for.

Credit invoice It belongs to the invoicing documents used to credit or return money to the customer.
Folio It is a hotel business term that includes the total amount of the charges that a customer should pay so far. It is like a proforma

invoice. For example, a customer has scheduled to stay in a hotel for 10 nights and the 5th one he wants to know what is the total

amount he owes for extra charges, minibar etc. This template will include these charges.

Use of Templates

Templates Related to Reservations


Tem res email en.png

All the "reservation" templates are included in the tab "E-mail" of a reservation window.

When one of them is selected, it is automatically populated by the system with data like the name, address etc.

Registration Card

Tem res reg card en.png

After clicking the "registration card" button the following window opens.

Tem res reg card 2 en.png

All the "registration card" templates are included in this drop-down list. When one of them is selected, it is automatically populated by the system with the predefined data.


Tem res folio en.png

After clicking the "folio" button the following window opens.


All the "folio" templates are included in this drop-down list. When one of them is selected, it is automatically populated by the system with the predefined data.

real folio at the end of the presentation

Reservation request

The "reservation request" template type is used for the e-mails that are sent automatically by the Booking Engine.

They include the reservation information that is useful to the customers.

Options⇒ Booking Engine⇒ E-mail

Tem be en.png

Every activated language can be connected to various templates. In the example, only the English language is activated, so the respective templates are appeared.

Templates Related to Invoicing

The "invoice", "credit invoice" and "receipt" are related to invoicing.

At this step of the invoicing procedure, the system requests the template to be defined.

Tem credit 1 en.png

When the template is selected from the drop-down list, it is automatically populated by the system with the predefined data.

Templates Related to Payments

Tem res rec en.png

In the tab "Payments", a payment should be selected (1) and then the "2. Receipt" button should be clicked.

Tem res rec 2 en.png

In this window the system requests the template to be defined.

When a template is selected, it is automatically populated by the system with data like the name, address etc.

This receipt has no legal validity. It is just a proof of receiving money.

How to Edit the Content of a Template

The formatting of the template content is possible by using the tools given by the system.

First of all, there are the standard formatting buttons -like included in Microsoft Word- that allow, for example the letters to be bold, the alignment in the center etc. If a user feels comfortable with HTML code, then he/she can go to View ⇒ Source Code and make any change in the window that opens. By clicking "Ok" the changes are reflected directly to the template content.

Every template type has its own family or set of fields that allow the system to retrieve the information needed depending on the case.

The fields are included in these symbols: {{ }}

For example, in a reservation e-mail, if it is typed:

"Dear Mr. {{firstname}} {{lastname}}, your reservation is confirmed."

the result can be:

"Dear Mr. Michael Willson, your reservation is confirmed"

There are two sets of reservation fields, depending on whether the reservation is single or it's part of a group of reservations:

Reservation (Single)

field is populated with
{{ reservationId }} the hoteliga reservation ID, e.g. 2325
{{ lastname }} the last name of the customer, e.g. "Willson"
{{ firstname }} the first name of the customer, e.g. "Michael"
{{ datefrom }} the arrival date of the reservation, e.g. 24/08/2017. Date formatting will follow regional settings
{{ dateto }} the departure date of the reservation, e.g. 31/08/2017. Date formatting will follow regional settings
{{ nights }} the number of the total nights registered in the reservation, e.g. 7
{{ adults }} the number of the adults registered in the reservation, e.g. 2
{{ children }} the number of the children registered in the reservation, e.g. 2
{{ board }} the localized description of the board, based on the template language
{{ totalprice }} the total price of the reservation in the property's currency, e.g. 448,00 EUR
{{ balance }} the balance of the reservation in the property's currency, e.g. 368,00 EUR
{{ roomtype }} the title of the room type, based on the template language
{{ roomtitle }} the title of the room
{{ notes }} notes about the reservation
{{ customernotes }} notes about the customer
{{ bookingagencytitle }} the title of the booking agency
{{ bookingagencycode }} the booking agency code

Reservation (Group)

field is populated with
{{ lastname }} the last name of the customer, e.g. "Willson"
{{ firstname }} the first name of the customer, e.g. "Michael"
{{ customernotes }} ...
{{ bookingagencytitle }} ...
{{ bookingagencycode }} ...
{{ totalpricegroup }} ...
{{ balancegroup }} ...
{{ reservations }} ...


parent object parent object field it is populated with
lines {{ netSubtotal }} the net amount of the subtotal formatted with currency code
lines {{ netSubtotalCurrency }}
lines {{ grossSubtotal }} the gross amount of the subtotal formatted with currency code
lines {{ grossSubtotalCurrency }}
lines {{ serviceStart }} starting day of reservation for that particular line of invoice
lines {{ serviceEnd }} ending day of reservation for that particular line of invoice
lines {{ serviceDuration }} duration of reservation for that particular line of invoice
lines {{ itemType }}
lines {{ numAdults }} number of adults for this particular line of invoice
lines {{ numChildren }} number of children for this particular line of invoice
lines {{ quantity }} number of days or items for this particular line of invoice
lines {{ itemDescription }}
lines {{ grossUnitPrice }} gross price of the item
lines {{ grossUnitPriceCurrency }}
lines {{ netUnitPrice }} net price of the item
lines {{ netUnitPriceCurrency }}
lines taxes {{ percentage }} amount of tax in percentage
lines taxes {{ amount}}
lines taxes {{ amountCurrency }}
lines taxes {{ breakdown }}
lines taxes {{ rawAmount }}
lines {{ netSubtotalRaw }}
lines {{ reservationId }} Id of the reservation
{{ totalNumAdults }} the total number of adults in the reservation
{{ totalNumChildren }} the total number of children in the reservation
{{ totalNumPersons }} the total number of persons in the reservation
{{ totalNet }} net amount of reservation
{{ totalNetCurrency }}
{{ totalGross }} gross amount of reservation
{{ totalGrossCurrency }}
{{ totalGrossBefore }}
{{ totalGrossBeforeCurrency }}
{{ totalUninvoicedPayments }}
{{ totalUninvoicedPaymentsCurrency }}
{{ remainingBalance }}
{{ remainingBalanceCurrency }}
{{ extraTaxes }}
totalTaxes {{ percentage }}
totalTaxes {{ amount }}
totalTaxes {{ amountCurrency }}
totalTaxes {{ title }}
totalTaxes {{ breakdown }}
totalTaxes {{ rawAmount }}
{{ totalTax }}
{{ totalTaxCurrency }}
{{ date }}
{{ number }}
{{ numbervalue }}
{{ series }}
{{ lastname }}
{{ firstname }}
{{ taxid }}
{{ taxid2 }}
{{ occupation }}
{{ address1 }}
{{ address2 }}
{{ city }}
{{ zip }}
{{ country }}
{{ rooms )}}
{{ notes }}
{{ bookingAgencyReferenceCodes }}
{{ guests }}
{{ stayFrom }}
{{ stayTo }}

Registration Card

parent object field it is populated with
{{ todayDateEspanol }}
{{ todayHourEspanol }}
{{ hotelInternationalTitle }}
{{ hotelDomesticTitle }}
{{ reservationId }} Id of the reservation
{{ arrivalDate }} date of arrival
{{ departureDate }} date of departure
{{ numAdults }} number of adults
{{ numChildren }} number of children
{{ boardTitle }}
{{ bookingAgencyReferenceCode }} reference code of the booking agency
{{ bookingAgencyTitle }} title of the booking agency
{{ roomTitle }} title of the room
{{ roomTypeTitle }} title of the room type
{{ customerFirstName }} first name of the customer
{{ customerLastName }} last name of the customer
{{ reservationNotes }} notes about reservation
{{ customerTaxId }} tax id of the customer
{{ customerEmail }} email of the customer
{{ customerPhone }} phone number of the customer
{{ customerAddress }} address of the customer
{{ customerZipCode }} zip code of the customer
{{ customerCity }} city of the customer
{{ totalExtraTaxes }} total amount of extra taxes
{{ totalWithoutExtraTaxes }} total amount without extra taxes
{{ totalAgreedPrice }}
{{ totalPayments }}
{{ totalWithExtraTaxes }} total amount with extra taxes
{{ balance }}
{{ customerCountry }} country of the customer
{{ numGuests }} number of guests
{{ totalWithoutExtraTaxes }} total amount without extra taxes
idDocTypes {{ id }} document type id
idDocTypes {{ title }} document type title
sexes {{ id }} sex id
sexes {{ title }} sex title
guests {{ salutationId }} salutation type id
guests {{ salutation }} salutation type
guests {{ customerLastName }} last name of the customer
guests {{ customerLastName2 }} middle name of the customer
guests {{ customerFirstName }} first name of the customer
guests {{ lastName }} last name
guests {{ lastName2 }} middle name
guests {{ firstName }} first name
guests {{ dateOfBirth }} date of birth
guests {{ dateOfBirth2 }}
guests {{ nationalityCountryName }}
guests {{ idDocType }} document type
guests {{ idDocTypeEspana }}
guests {{ idDocNumber }} document number
guests {{ idDocTitle }} document title
guests {{ idDocIssueDate }} document issue date
guests {{ idDocIssueDate2 }}
guests {{ provinceName }} name of the province
guests {{ sex }} sex
guests {{ sex2 }}
guests {{ checkinDate }} date of checking in
guests {{ checkinDate2 }}
guestPairs {{ salutationId }} salutation type id
guestPairs {{ salutation }} salutation type
guestPairs {{ customerLastName }} last name of the customer
guestPairs {{ customerLastName2 }} middle name of the customer
guestPairs {{ customerFirstName }} first name of the customer
guestPairs {{ lastName }} last name
guestPairs {{ lastName2 }} middle name
guestPairs {{ firstName }} first name
guestPairs {{ dateOfBirth }} date of birth
guestPairs {{ dateOfBirth2 }}
guestPairs {{ nationalityCountryName }}
guestPairs {{ idDocType }} document type
guestPairs {{ idDocTypeEspana }}
guestPairs {{ idDocNumber }} document number
guestPairs {{ idDocTitle }} document title
guestPairs {{ idDocIssueDate }} document issue date
guestPairs {{ idDocIssueDate2 }}
guestPairs {{ provinceName }} name of the province
guestPairs {{ sex }} sex
guestPairs {{ sex2 }}
guestPairs {{ checkinDate }} date of checking in
guestPairs {{ checkinDate2 }}
{{ customerNotes }} customer notes


parent object field it is populated with
{{ printdate }}
customer {{ lastname }} last name of the customer
customer {{ firstname }} first name of the customer
customer {{ phone }} phone number of the customer
customer {{ mobile }} mobile number of the customer
customer {{ email }} email of the customer
customer {{ address }} address of the customer
customer {{ printdate }}
reservations {{ id }} id of the reservation
reservations {{ promocode }} promocode for the reservation
reservations {{ datefrom }} starting date for the reservation
reservations {{ dateto }} ending date for the reservation
reservations {{ roomtype }} room type for the reservation
reservations {{ room }}
reservations {{ price }} price of the reservation
reservations {{ tax }} tax for the reservation
reservations {{ pricewithtax }} price of the reservation with tax
reservations {{ numnights }} number of nights for the reservation
reservations {{ numadults }} number of adults in the reservation
reservations {{ numchildren }} number of children in the reservation
reservations {{ numadultschildren }} number of adults and children in the reservation
reservations {{ reservationdate }}
roomcharges {{ date }}
roomcharges {{ description }}
roomcharges {{ reservationid }} id of the reservation
roomcharges {{ price }}
roomcharges {{ tax }}
roomcharges {{ pricewithtax }}
roomchargestotals {{ price }}
roomchargestotals {{ tax }}
roomchargestotals {{ pricewithtax }}
extrachargestotals {{ price }}
extrachargestotals {{ tax }}
extrachargestotals {{ pricewithtax }}
{{ paymentstotal}}
extracharges {{ --- }}
payments {{ --- }}
{{ balance }}

Tax Receipt

parent object parent object field it is populated with
lines {{ netSubtotal }}
lines {{ netSubtotalCurrency }}
lines {{ grossSubtotal }}
lines {{ grossSubtotalCurrency }}
lines {{ serviceStart }}
lines {{ serviceEnd }}
lines {{ serviceDuration }}
lines {{ itemType }}
lines {{ numAdults }}
lines {{ numChildren }}
lines {{ quantity }}
lines {{ itemDescription }}
lines {{ grossUnitPrice }}
lines {{ grossUnitPriceCurrency }}
lines {{ netUnitPrice }}
lines {{ netUnitPriceCurrency }}
lines {{ taxes }}
lines {{ netSubtotalRaw }}
lines {{ reservationId }}
lines {{ extraChargesNotes }}
{{ totalNumAdults }}
{{ totalNumChildren }}
{{ totalNumPersons }}
{{ totalNet }}
{{ totalNetCurrency }}
{{ totalGross }}
{{ totalGrossCurrency }}
{{ totalGrossBefore }}
{{ totalGrossBeforeCurrency }}
{{ totalUninvoicedPayments }}
{{ totalUninvoicedPaymentsCurrency }}
{{ remainingBalance }}
{{ remainingBalanceCurrency }}
{{ extraTaxes }}
{{ totalTaxes }}
{{ totalTax }}
{{ totalTaxCurrency }}
{{ date }}
{{ number }}
{{ numbervalue }}
{{ series }}
{{ lastname }}
{{ firstname }}
{{ taxid }}
{{ taxid2 }}
{{ occupation }}
{{ address1 }}
{{ address2 }}
{{ city }}
{{ zip }}
{{ country }}
{{ rooms }}
{{ notes }}
{{ bookingAgencyReferenceCodes }}
{{ guests }}
{{ stayFrom }}
{{ stayTo }}
{{ referenceInvoiceNumber }}
{{ referenceInvoiceIssueDate }}
{{ invoiceNotes }}
{{ paymentMethod }}
reservationNotes {{ --- }}
payments {{ --- }}
{{ nights }}

Payment Receipt

Field it is populated with
{{date}} the current date
{{number}} the next available number of the payment receipt
{{lastname}} the last name of the customer included in the reservation
{{firstname}} the first name of the customer included in the reservation
{{reservation.datefrom}} the first date of the specific reservation.
{{reservation.dateto}} the last date of the specific reservation.
{{reservation.nights}} the nights included in the specific reservation
{{reservation.adults}} the number of adults included in the specific reservation.
{{reservation.children}} the number of children included in the specific reservation.
{{reservation.notes}} the reservation notes.
{{reservation.customernotes}} the customer's notes included in the reservation.
{{reservation.totalprice}} the total amount of the reservation.
{{reservation.roomtype}} the type of the room, according to the types that are registered in the system.
{{amount}} the amount of the payment.
{{paymentmethod}} the payment method of the specific payment
{{notes}} notes included in the payment
{{paymentdate}} the date that the payment is registered


You can easily create beautiful email templates in minutes.

You can create as many templates as you need e.g. 'Confirmation reservation' email, 'Thank you' email etc. and use these from inside the reservation to send dynamic emails to your customers. By using the dynamic emails feature you will save a lot of time in communications with your customers and you will improve customer loyalty.

Below you will find a range of variables that you can use inside the template. By using the variables, you can send relevant and personalized emails to your customers without the need of typing anything manually again and at the same time your emails look personalized as they dynamically generate all information related to your customers’ reservation.

We don't impose any design restrictions. Got the skills to roll your own email designs? You can create your own HTML template and paste it in templates. You do not know HTML or how to design an email? No worries, you can use the provided simple to use editor and just type in the text you want. To create dynamic email templates go to Settings-Templates and click the New template button.

NOTICE: Variables are case sensitive and should be used exactly as they are defined in the system. e.g. Template:Firstname. Below you will find all variables that can be used in email templates. Copy and paste them in your email templates.


Variables exam.png

Variables exam1.png

Variables exam2.png

Variables exam3.png

Variables exam4.png


  • How to make a small change in an existing template