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You can use hoteliga to invoice your customers in a simple and fast way.

Before you start with invoicing you have to set the respective parameters (A-D).


First of all, you have to set your tax rates in the system. Depending on your country and/or city, different tax rates may apply. Make sure you confirm with your accountant that all rates entered in the system are correct before you start issuing invoices and receipts.

Follow the below steps: OptionsSettingsInvoicingTaxes and click on 'New tax' button. Fill in the fields of the form as per below:

Inv new tax.png

Title: Give a title for the tax (this will appear on the invoice/receipt).

Tax type: Choose the country you are paying your taxes.

Information: By clicking this link you can see information about the taxes that apply in your country.


At this point you have to manage your invoice or receipt counters. Create as many counters as you want depending on your own needs.

Follow the below steps: OptionsSettingsInvoicingCounters and click on 'New counter' button. Fill in the fields of the below form: Inv new counter 1.png Inv new counter 2.png

Under each field you may find explanatory details that will help you to fill in the data.


Every price list you use for invoicing, should be matched to the taxes you have set. This is why you have to follow the below steps:

OptionsSettingsPricing policyPrice lists and click on the line of the price list you want to match the taxes. Go to the tab Taxes and click on the respective boxes considering the following:

Inv pricelist tax.png

Enabled: Select/Click this to enable taxes for this price list.

Included: Select/Click this if taxes are include in prices. Otherwise, leave the box blank.


You have to configure the format of the invoicing documents you will issue by using templates. You may create as many of them as you need to.

In order to create your templates, you can:

a. either edit an existing one, or

b. create a new one.

Create your template using an existing one

You may find a list of templates if you follow the below steps:


Use the filters by clicking on "show filter" and find the proper template for you.

Click on the respective line and a new window will open. Any amendments on the template will affect the template itself. If you want to keep the template as it is, you have to create a new one and copy the data to it.

Inv template 1.png

Title: Keep the title or change it according to your needs.

Template Type: Choose accordingly if it is an invoice, payment receipt, credit invoice etc.

Language: Choose accordingly.

Subject: It is available depending on the template type.

Content: This is the main body of the document that should include all the mandatory information. You may click on "full screen" button, so that you can see the content in a full screen. Inv template 2.png

Create a new template

On the top left side of the template list, click on the "new template" button. An empty form will open and you have to fill in the information exactly like in the previous step (a. Create your template using an existing one)


Fast invoicing

If you want to issue invoices for the whole amount of the reservation to a customer, open the reservation and click on the 'Invoice/Receipt' button.

Then you should follow the steps as shown in the below picture:

Invoice receipt.png

Invoice receip expl.png

Reservations invoicing

Using the 'Reservations invoicing' you can invoice your customers, booking agencies and companies. You have also the possibility to split the amounts and issue more than one invoice or receipt per reservation or customer.

Open the respective form by following the steps below: Options⇒ Tools ⇒ Invoicing⇒ Reservations invoicing. Fill in the information you want according to the directions in the following pictures.

Reserv inv.png

Reserv inv expl.png

Then, in the following form you should add the language that will be displayed and the customer or the agency that will be invoiced.

If you are about to issue a credit invoice, you should click on the respective option at this point. If any notes should be mentioned, then add them in the respective field.

Inv res step 1.png

At the next step, you have to define the charges you are going to add in your invoice. This means that you can split the charges according to your customer's needs. As you can see in the picture, there is a drop down list under the "quantity" column. In this way, you are allowed to choose the number of the nights you want to invoice, or the quantity of any other extra charges that are related to the reservation. If you choose "0", then the specific charge will not be included in your invoice. Every charge, e.g. overnight reservation, coffee, snacks, phone calls etc. are appeared in separate lines, as registered in the reservation form.

Inv res step 2.png

In the next form, you have to choose the proper template and the counter. Don't forget that these two elements must have already been defined in previous steps.

The preview of your invoice or the receipt is appeared at the bottom of the window. At this point, you can still make any changes you want, if you click on "previous step" button and go backwards to the previous steps. You can also re-enter the reservation form and make any changes you want.

Inv res step 3.png

Click on "issue" button and then choose the printout of the invoice: screen, printer, pdf or excel.

Your invoice is ready!


You can check the invoices you have issued, by accessing the reporting section.

Go to Options⇒ Reports⇒ Invoicing. The available reports are the following:

20 Invoices/receipts for period by counter: Define the time period you are interested in and you can see a report including the invoices per day and counter. 21 Invoices/receipts for period by counter (tax breakdown): Define the time period you are interested in and you can see a report including the invoices per day and the respective tax breakdown. 19 Reservation invoice/receipt: This report allows you to find and reprint an invoice considering the counter and the number. 40 Uninvoiced reservations by booking agency and arrival date for period: Define the time period you are interested in and you can see a report including the reservations by booking agency and arrival date. 41 Uninvoiced reservations by booking agency and departure date for period: Define the time period you are interested in and you can see a report including the reservations by booking agency and departure date.

Invoicing | Billing info agency

You have to enter the Billing information of each agency, in order to be able to issue invoices. To do that, go to ‘Customers’ and click ‘New customer’. Enter the Basic data and the Billing info of the agency. Click Save

Go to ‘Settings’ and click ‘Booking agencies’ Click on the agency that you want. Customer: Type in the first letters of the name of the agency and select the one you want from the list that appears. Cooperation type: Choose ‘Commission based’ or ‘the agency pays for the reservation’. Click Save.